A minimally invasive surgical procedure, robotic prostatectomy uses finely controlled robotic instruments to perform the prostatectomy safely, while enhancing patient recovery and outcome. Doctors control the device, which consists of high-resolution cameras and micro-surgical instruments. Powered by state-of-the-art robotic technology, doctors’ hands movements are scaled, filtered, and seamlessly translated into precise movement of the EndoWrist Instruments.
Unlike laparoscopic surgery, instruments used in robotic prostatectomy can turn in all directions with 90 degrees of articulation and 7 degrees of freedom. During robotic prostate surgery, the robot provides the surgeon with improved visualization, dexterity, and precision compared with open or laparoscopic surgery, while enabling operation through 1-2 cm incisions. This allows doctors to perform fine computer-controlled movements and a more precise and minimally invasive robotic prostatectomy. During this prostate cancer treatment, his patients’ delicate prostate nerves that control bladder and sexual function. Robotic prostatectomy achieves the same or better prostate cancer treatment results than a surgeon’s own hands in open or laparoscopic surgery.